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jeudi 9 avril 2009

Joe le Plombeur

Même Fox News en est “effrayé”.

McCain joue de malchance. Son plombier préféré s’est définitivement discrédité avec un commentaire inadmissible, liant l’élection de Barack Obama avec la mort de l’état d’Israël.

Dans ce qui est la vidéo la plus marquante de toute la campagne pour moi, le journaliste qui réalise l’interview de Joe le Plombier, Smith Shepard, se sent même obligé de conclure avec une mise au point sur la position réelle du candidat démocrate. L’argumentaire du Joe étant en-dessous du 0 absolu et ne se rendant pas compte des graves implications de ce genre de propos. Shepard laisse même échapper une impression de véritable désespoir sur la marche de cette campagne :

“I just want to make this 100 percent perfectly clear — Barack Obama has said and demonstrated repeatedly that Israel will always be a friend of the United States, no matter what happens once he becomes President of the United States. His words. The rest of it — man…some things–it just gets frightening sometimes.”

“Je veux simplement que les choses soient claires à 100% — Barack Obama a dit et démontré, de maniére répétée, qu’Israël sera toujours ami des Etats-Unis, quoiqu’il se passe une fois qu’il sera Président des Etats-Unis. Ses mots. Le reste… man… certaines choses… ça devient juste effrayant parfois.”

Ca se passe sur Fox News, et ça marque :

Transcript de l’interview :

Sheppard: Why specifically is a vote for Obama a vote for the death of Israel?

Joe: Well specifically, look at his record. Obama’s agreed to meet with Israel’s enemies with no uncertain terms.. In fact he’s letting them dictate terms to him and then look at his past associations, people he talks to…

Transcript de l’interview :

Sheppard: Why specifically is a vote for Obama a vote for the death of Israel?

Joe: Well specifically, look at his record. Obama’s agreed to meet with Israel’s enemies with no uncertain terms.. In fact he’s letting them dictate terms to him and then look at his past associations, people he talks to…

Sheppard: Why specifically is a vote for Obama a vote for the death of Israel?

Joe: Well specifically, look at his record. Obama’s agreed to meet with Israel’s enemies with no uncertain terms.. In fact he’s letting them dictate terms to him and then look at his past associations, people he talks to…

Shepard: Like who?

Joe: Quite honestly, you know, the gentleman that approached me with that question I agreed to with what I know…

Shepard: What I can’t figure our is why, let’s listen to this clip from earlier.

Q: A vote for Obama is a vote for the death to Israel. I’ss guarantee you that.

Joe: Well, you know what? I’ll actually agree with you on that one. I agree with you. I really think that would be a problem.

Shepard: Joe, do you know Barack Obama’s positions on Israel?

Joe: Ahhh, listen, I know you want to really get some answers on this one, I’m just not going to help you out here Sheppard. Let people go out and find it issues….

Sheppard: Do you think John McCain agrees with you?

Joe: No, that is just my personal opinion that I’ve come up with by looking into different facts and what I think. That is what my message has been about. I haven’t been telling people to go out and vote. Listen, you don’t want my opinion on foreign policy. I know just enough about foreign policy to probably be dangerous.

Shepard: That is what I was wondering. I wonder if you think it is dangerous at all for people to say that a vote for Barack Obama is the same as a vote for Israel, if you think that is dangerous for people to start believing. What happens if the polls are right and he becomes President of the United States and people start thinking that this means the death of Israel. Are you worried about what people might do if they actually believe something like that?

Joe: That goes back to what I just got done saying. Some people believe it wholeheartedly. This gentleman I spoke to is Middle America. Therefore…it is very important to him — important to me, but especially important to this gentleman. He is Middle America and he was able to get on there and make his point, and I agreed with him. I have no idea where John McCain’s position is on that. John McCain is his own person, just like I am.

Shepard: Do you think a lot of that has to do with some hateful things that spread all over the internet? After all, Barack Obama has said repeatedly time after time that there is nothing more important that the United States friendship with Israel– and the United States will back up Israel every moment of every day if and when he becomes President of the United States. He could not have been clearer about it in his positions in speeches, and I just wonder what it is that makes you think he is lying about that.

Joe: [illegible] Actions…I have heard words. I hear words from politicians all the time, but actions [crosstalk] the action that I see is offering to meet with certain enemies of the United States on no uncertain terms –

Shepard: Meeting with Ahmadinejad? That is what the campaign said. Let’s put the statement on the screen. This is what the McCain campaign released after you said that at the campaign event today. So that is what they put out. “While he’s clearly his own man, so far Joe has offered some penetrating and clear analysis that cuts to the core of many of the concerns that people have with Barack Obama’s statements and policies. Whether it is Obama’s willingness to sit down unconditionally with Mahmoud Ahmadinejad, or his plans to redistribute the paychecks of hardworking Americans, there is good reason to question the judgement that Obama would bring to the Oval Office.” So that’s what they put out, so I guess the fact that he has said it he would meet with Ahmadinejad is something that you have taken to believe would be the death of Israel?

Joe: It definitely does not help the situation. I’m not trying to be dancing around this. I honestly want people to go out and find their own reasons. I tell people not to listen to everyone else’s opinion. I’m not going to have them start listening to mine. Go out and get informed.

Shepard: Joe Wurzelbacher on the line with us after a GOP stop, a number of them today.

I just want to make this 100 percent perfectly clear — Barack Obama has said and demonstrated repeatedly that Israel will always be a friend of the United States, no matter what happens once he becomes President of the United States. His words. The rest of it — man…some things–it just gets frightening sometimes. We’ll be right back…
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